News from ST at GU October 2023
Publicerad: 2023-11-06
Nyhet In the first newsletter of the autumn, we highlight all the exciting activities for our members. At the autumn meeting on November 16, we discuss RALS and the conditions at our workplaces, on December 6 we invite you to "Fika with the union", and on December 11 we host a regional seminar with the Expo foundation on how we as employees can handle organized threats and pressures (the seminar will be held in Swedish).
Do you want to get in touch with ST? If you have general questions about your terms of employment, the easiest way is to contact ST Direkt on 0771–555 444 or If you have more local questions, you can e-mail and we will reply as soon as possible. You can also talk to our workplace representatives. More information can be found on the section’s website.
Autumn meeting for members on the new collective agreement, 16 November at 4:30pm–6:00pm
In the midst of these uncertain times, the Union for Civil Servants (ST) on a central level and the Swedish Agency for Government Employees (Arbetsgivarverket) have reached a new agreement on salary development and other employment conditions. This agreement ensures a 7.4% salary increase for government sector employees over the next two years. Other gains are the right to maternity care visits during working hours for both parents, and improved conditions for relocation.
We are now starting the negotiation round within GU on how we can implement the agreement locally in the best way. All members of ST are welcome to our autumn members’ meeting on the theme of the new agreement on 16 November at 4:30pm–6:00pm in the Margareta Huitfeldt auditorium, House C at Pedagogen (Läroverksgatan 5).
Please register by 6 November to
We will offer light refreshments, so please remember to mention if you have any allergies!
You can find information about ST’s central collective bargaining round on our website: För dig inom staten | ST
(Please note that the information may be in Swedish only.)
Coffee with your union representatives (Fika med facket)
Do you want to discuss terms of employment, salary, or work environment issues? Come to Fika med facket and meet local union representatives.
Fika med facket is open to members and others, so feel free to invite one or more colleagues. In autumn 2023, you can choose from the following dates:
- Wednesday, 1 November, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm (Note: digital)
- Wednesday, 6 December, from 4:00pm to 5.00pm at ST’s office at Karl Gustavsgatan 12B, 4th floor.
How can we address pressure from racist and anti-democratic organizations? Seminar with Expo on 11 December
Expo is a nondenominational and nonpartisan foundation that gathers information and spreads knowledge about the far right and racist groups. In this seminar, they will provide an overview of how government organizations—including the university—are subjected to pressure in their work, and how we can address it.
The seminar is open to members of ST from government agencies in Gothenburg. Seats are limited, so keep an eye out for the registration link on our website: Aktuellt | ST . The seminar will be held in Swedish.
ST focuses on a sustainable working life
Fackförbundet ST has adopted a program for a sustainable working life (Program för ett hållbart arbetsliv), which outlines the union’s visions and positions on work environment and occupational health issues. Some of the addressed issues are stress, resources and conditions, leadership and management for health-promoting workplaces, silent workplaces (actions to counteract cultures of silence), and health & violence.
Read more about the program for a sustainable working life, ”Program för hållbart arbetsliv” here (Swedish): Fackförbundet ST kraftsamlar för ett hållbart arbetsliv! | ST
Negotiations on the local work environment agreement
The unions at GU will start a negotiation round with the GU administration on an update of the local work environment agreement. We welcome feedback from all employees, particularly from those who work with occupational safety and health issues in your employment or as an AMO, HAMO, or LAMK member. Contact if you want to discuss further or leave comments.