Publicerad: 2022-02-14
|Uppdaterad: 2025-01-13
Translating web pages from, Fackförbundet STs website, is easy, but the steps depend on which browser you are using. Read our guide for the most popular browsers.
Fackförbundet ST (the Union of Civil Servants) is Sweden’s only union that solely focuses on organizing employees within state agencies.
Read everything about the benefits of a membership in Fackförbundet ST and the different types of memberships we offer.
Our online application form is currently only available in swedish. Read about how you apply for membership in english.
Learn more about how Fackförbundet ST goes about improving its members’ salaries and employment terms – through long-term collective bargaining.
Box 5308
102 47 Stockholm
Besök: Sturegatan 15
Telefon: 0771-555 444
Orgnr: 802003-2101