About Fackförbundet ST

Publicerad: 2022-03-18

|Uppdaterad: 2025-01-14

Fackförbundet ST (the Union of Civil Servants) is Sweden’s only union that solely focuses on organizing employees within state agencies. We are convinced that everyone benefit from being members in the same union rather than belonging to different unions based on profession.

A membership in ST costs less than many other unions, but still contains a whole lot. You get everything from income insurance, carreer services, negotiation support and possibilities to improve your working conditions.

When people that work with support and service to the citizens are able to be fully dedicated to their core work tasks they are a positive force to be reckoned with. Our mission is to make sure that employees within the state have the right prerequisites to do their job the best way possible. Not only does it benefit our members but also the citizens that we work for.  

ST is a member of TCO and we are not connected to a political party. When we take stand in political issues we do it from the perspective of our members interests – never out of political party interests. 

What we do

  • Negotiation, for example salary and terms
  • Offer judicial support in work related law 
  • Arrange union programmes, courses, events and network meetings
  • Provide advice and guidance related to your workplace
  • Exercise influence with purpose to improve the conditions on your workplace
  • Support vocational progress     
  • Offer advantageous insurances and membership loans for you and your family

ST - The Union of Civil Servants is the largest union within the state and has over 100 000 members. Our members work for state agencies, companies employed by the state, universities, colleges and state financed foundations.

ST organizes its members according to the following principle; one workplace - one trade union. In general there is an ST section at every authority, public utility or state company.

Facts about us

  • We have over 100 000 members
  • We have more than 6000 elected representatives
  • We have 97 sections for government agencies and state companies
  • Our members are paying about one percent of their salary in membership subscription

The Congress

The supreme decision-making body of ST is the Congress. Delegates to the Congress consist primarily of the Executive Committee and representatives from the sections and districts.

The Congress is convened every four years. Each year a General Union Assembly is held at which, among other things, the budget for the coming year is determined.

There is also a Negotiation Council which acts as an advisory body to the Executive Committee on questions relating to collective bargaining.

The Executive Committee

The work of the union is led by the twelve members of the Executive Committee. This work is supported by a Central Office and a regional unit in Stockholm and six regional units throughout the country. 

ST co-operates with other trade union affiliates of The Public Employees´ Negotiation Council (OFR), The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO) and the international trade union movement.

  • ST is a member of the following International Trade Secretariats
  • PSI, Public Services International
  • UNI, Union Network International
  • ITF, International Transport Workers´ Federation

ST is independent in party-political and religious terms.

About the Swedish Part Model

The Swedish Part Model can be summarised in one word - collaboration. It involves unions and employers' organisations jointly agreeing on the best conditions in the labour market, without the government interfering in every decision.

Those who are the closest to the issues, make the decisions for their respective labour market. And that makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Who else is better suited to discuss a particular labour market than those who actually work in it? That’s The Swedish Part Model. And ultimately, it leads to happy and creative people in the workplace, while providing opportunities for flexibility to employers. A real win-win, so to speak.

Fackförbundet ST

Box 5308

102 47 Stockholm

Besök: Sturegatan 15

Telefon: 0771-555 444

E-post: st@st.org

Orgnr: 802003-2101

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