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Membership benefits

Publicerad: 2022-03-28

A membership in Fackförbundet ST costs less than many other unions, but still contains a whole lot. You get everything from income insurance, career services, negotiation support and possibilities to improve your working conditions.

Income insurance     

If you lose your job STs income insurance provides solid protection. It can supplement your unemployment benefit during 150 days, giving you up to 80 percent of your income, up to SEK 80.000 per month. 

You can also get an extra insurance which extends your compensation period for another 150 days. 


Our ombudsmen are experts on the laws and agreements that apply for government
operated workplaces. We know your rights and will represent you if you for example get laid off, discriminated or if you don't receive your salary.


When you need fast and accurate answers about your salary or the terms of your employment it is important to be a member in a union that is easy to get in touch with. With over 6 000 local representatives ST is always close to you. 

You can also contact ST Direkt regarding personal guidance on everything work related – salary, professional progress, working environment, your rights and your career.

We know your rights, we are experts in government operations and we provide fast and professional answers to your questions.

Phone: 0771-555 444

Career services

If you find yourself at a crossroads in your career you can use our career services and discuss your options with our career coaches. 

You can also have your resume reviewed and get help developing professional applications. You can book an appointment with the career coach on our website, where you also can find interactive tools that help you identify your drivers and map your skill needs.

Insurance options

As a new member you are automatically insured free of charge during the first three months. During that time you are covered by an accident insurance and life insurance from Folksam.

After three months, you can choose whether you want to continue subscribing to the insurance policies. You also have the option of co-insuring your family.

As a member of Fackförbundet ST you can for example also take out home and property insurance as well as child insurance from Folksam. You can read more about these insurances on our website


As a member, a number of deals and discounts will be offered to you that both you and your family can enjoy. In addition to preferential agreements on loans and insurances, you get member prices on books, holiday accommodation and courses. 

You also get our member magazine Publikt in the mail 8 times a year. A magazine focused on state-owned and state-financed operations, packed with news, debate and issues related to the working life. It is also available online at Please keep in mind that the magazine is in Swedish.

Fackförbundet ST

Box 5308

102 47 Stockholm

Besök: Sturegatan 15

Telefon: 0771-555 444


Orgnr: 802003-2101

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