Welcome to the Union of Civil Servants!

Publicerad: 2022-04-20

|Uppdaterad: 2024-02-19

At the University of Gothenburg, we are approximately 1,100 members in the Union of Civil Servants (Fackförbundet ST). All employees are welcome as members regardless of their duties, position, and education. We are active within the entire university and can help you with salary negotiations, work environment issues, and other issues related to your employment.

The Union of Civil Servants organizes employees who work for universities, colleges, state agencies, companies employed by the state, and state financed foundations. We are the largest union in the governmental sector.

We are convinced that everyone benefits from being member of the same union rather than belonging to different unions based on profession.

ST is politically independent. This does not prevent us from expressing views and acting on various political issues that have bearing on our members’ interests or affect their work situation. ST stands for democracy, justice, humanism, and solidarity. We work actively to maintain and promote good working conditions, e.g. in terms of salaries, influence, work environment, good leadership, gender equality, and diversity.

Want to know more about ST?

Why join Fackförbundet ST (the Union of Civil Servants)? Learn more about the benefits of a membership and the different types of memberships we offer. 

Read more

Offer for new members

As a new working member of Fackförbundet ST, your first three months are free of charge. Following this period, the regular fee applies, which varies depending on your income.

The new members offer only applies to new working members who have not been a member of ST during the past 18 months.

Doctoral students pay 100 SEK per month for the entire employment period, the first three months included. 

Change of work place

Please remember to notify us if you start working at another faculty or department, or if you have a new e-mail address. This is to keep our membership registry up-dated. Send us an e-mail at st@gu.se and tell us your name, the new e-mail address, where you used to work, and where you are working now.

Do you want more information about ST's work at the University of Gothenburg?

Please contact us at st@gu.se.

    Fackförbundet ST

    Box 5308

    102 47 Stockholm

    Besök: Sturegatan 15

    Telefon: 0771-555 444

    E-post: st@st.org

    Orgnr: 802003-2101

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